Dodo Juice Need For Speed Protective Car Polish/Wax 500ml
Sure, it won’t kick the highest performing car waxes or sealants out of your collection, but we're still talking perhaps 2-3 months of protection. Not just a few days or weeks. And it’s probably the quickest and easiest way to juice your car – and you can always top it up with a paste wax or spray sealant later. Think of it as a short cut to great detailing results rather than some kind of compromised Frankenpolish. It's really that good!
Furthermore, you can apply this by machine as well as by hand, should you want to tackle some swirls with your machine polisher and leave some protection behind at the same time...
Cleaner waxes/AIOs are perhaps a little misunderstood, understated and under-acknowledged, seen by many detailers as being a bit too 'general purpose'. But what's not to like? A gentle cut, great cleaning and fantastic gloss and protection - in just one bottle... Need for Speed is a product that will really impress you if you five it a go.